Thursday, August 12, 2010
Rachel Williamson (nee McConaghy)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Andrew McMaster
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Melissa Owen (nee Froude)
Rachael Watson
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Louise Samuel (nee Mayall)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Jessica Bach
Frankston Sth
2. Who do you still keep in touch with from our year?
Unfortantly not really anyone.
3. Where do you see yourself in another 15 years time?
Hopefully still enjoying my beautiful loving family and making lots of money :)
4. What's your best/worst memory of Year 12?
The end of it, Happy it was all over but the realisation that I now had to do something worthwhile with my life. Oh yeah and Mr Mooneys bike pants that were passed around the class for us all to have a good look at then he told us how he wore them with no undies on. Really didn’t need to see his shit marks!!
5. What have you still not learnt to do since Year 12?
Proper english, thanks mrs ford
6. Did you attend the 10 year reunion in 2005, and if so what did you think?
7. Are you interested in a 20 year reunion in 2015?
8. What has changed about you in the last 15 years?
Family but apart from that not to much, still happy got lucky laid back person, just with more responsibilities.
9. What has been the best/worst thing you've done/had happen to you?
10. What big plans do you have for 2010?
Las Vegas/L.A holiday. Hopefully finish our renovations so we can sell and move. And expand the family.
11. If you could do it all again, what would you change about the last 15 years?
Nothing, everything that i have done is what has made me the person i am today, if the next 15 are just as good i will be very happy.
12. What has been your biggest achievement so far?
Having a child and being raising him into a very well mannered little boy. Not.
13. What is your personal philosophy?
Live in the now, dont stress about things from the past or in future. Be true to yourself.
14. Some other interesting information about yourself?
Distant (very distant) relative of Lady Gaga.
15. What would your last meal consist of?
I wouldnt be cooking or worring about the fat content so probably secret pizza (anyone who has had pizza from edithvale will know what i mean), coke for the drink and followed by chocolate.