Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Joe Shield (nee Collins)

1. Where are you living now?
Still in victoria

2. Who do you still keep in touch with from our year?
Eva Granic, Louise Mayall

3. Where do you see yourself in another 15 years time?

4. What's your best/worst memory of Year 12?

5. What have you still not learnt to do since Year 12?

6. Did you attend the 10 year reunion in 2005, and if so what did you think?
Yes enjoyed catching up and seeing how everyone was going and changed.

7. Are you interested in a 20 year reunion in 2015?

8. What has changed about you in the last 15 years?
I am married and have a son, work as a Photographer.

9. What has been the best thing you've had happen to you?
My best thing is my son he make me laugh daily.

10. What big plans do you have for 2010?
Hopefully come close to finnish renovating our house.

11. If you could do it all again, what would you change about the last 15 years?
Not worry about the last 15 years so much

12. What has been your biggest achievement so far?
Same as qn 8.

13. What is your personal philosophy?
Live and learn.

14. Some other interesting information about yourself?

15. What would your last meal consist of?
Meat and pasta.

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