1. Where are you living now?
2. Who do you still keep in touch with from our year?
Stricko, Pete, James, Boner, Joel, Petey, Owen, Michelle and Michael, Jen and Ivan and a bunch from that year from other schools.
3. Where do you see yourself in another 15 years time?
Hard to say. Didn't see myself here 15 years ago. Hollywood? Budapest? Space?
4. What's your best/worst memory of Year 12?
Best memory was all the great tunes, classic funny moments, films, and getting right into pot at O's house on Thursday nights and jamming. No bad memories really.
5. What have you still not learnt to do since Year 12?
Buy real estate at an affordable and reasonable price. That said, not being buried in debt these last 15 years has allowed me to have some amazing experiences, and a lot of time off work to enjoy the good things in life. Now I'm faced with the reality of need a million bucks to get a house in an area I'd love to live in, half a mill for a place that I'd grow fond of in time, or 300 grand to live in an Australian Dream in a place I'll never be happy. I'm sure all of you that studied economics, business management and accounting AND UNDERSTOOD IT AT THE TIME are laughing at me right now. Thanks for that.
6. Did you attend the 10 year reunion in 2005, and if so what did you think?
Missed it, i was in India with my wife. Heard it was classic.
7. Are you interested in a 20 year reunion in 2015?
Sure why not. It'll be interesting to see who got serious about things, who loosened up and who has withstood the ravages of time the best.
8. What has changed about you in the last 15 years?
Cut my hair off two years back after it become dreads years ago and grew to my arse (Nerve damage in the neck). Running a business. Not in a band. Married with a baby son. A few wrinkles around they eyes that don't disappear when I'm not smiling.
9. What has been the best/worst thing you've done/had happen to you?
Lots of good things. My son, my wife, my friends old and new. Travelling over seas was rad and doing a couple of support tours around Australia with metal bands from Europe (Amon Amarth and Children of Bodum) was sick. Road trips with mates, Jumping out of a plane. It's all good. Best thing was learning that people make their own luck and happiness. When you surrender to shit, the stink sticks.
Worst things I've done were bury loved ones. My Grandfather, my Grandmother. Darren Jones and Heath King. Those guys have left a massive hole in the world. Rest well all of you where ever you are. Oh yeah I touched death in India after some dodgy food put me through the wringer. First I thought I was gonna die, then I started hoping I would. 40+ temperature, dehydrated, no fluids staying down and just shithouse.

10. What big plans do you have for 2010?
Business wise keep up the stone work and expand a few ideas I've had to see if they get legs. Spend a lot of time with my beautiful baby boy Cohen (yes after Leonard Cohen) and watch him grow and do his thing. Keep healthy.
11. If you could do it all again, what would you change about the last 15 years?
Definitely would have brought a house in the city around 1996 and rented it out. Play in more metal bands, avoid smoking cigarettes, visited the observation deck of the Twin Towers when I was in New York in 2000, travel more. Would have embraced a few people I didn't understand and told a few that I thought I knew, to go and F*** themselves. Are we referring to doing it all again with the knowledge we have now, or doing it all again blind?
12. What has been your biggest achievement so far?
Getting a relationship to the point where my wife is my best friend, we understand each other, love and hate a lot of common stuff (but not everything) and based on the strength of that have brought a kid into the world who has a solid footing of loving family. He cries for about 10 minutes a day at the most, smiles all the other times and is a piece of magic in our lives. Parents reading this know the deal. They are just awesome. Also having my own business the last 5 or 6 years. Challenging and excellent and tricky and awesome.
13. What is your personal philosophy?
Don't let trivial shit cloud your head and keep an open eye, ear, mouth and mind to anything and everything. Look for potential in everything. Listen to peoples stories, even and especially when they are not your type of person. And read books. Remember those. The flippy paper things we had at school. They don't plug into a wi fi connection in a cafe, they don't down load or jam up. They smell better the longer you have them and handle them and they are mobile with out electricity. Someone took a lot of time to put their thoughts and or research and observations into it so get one today. On anything. My last five have been a First Fleet Marines Diary(1788 Watkin Tench), the History of Salt (Salt), the History of Cod (Cod), a Ben Elton Novel (Chart Throb), and an organic gardening book (the No Dig Garden). Not all overly intellectual, maybe not popular, no suspense or hero or happy ending even. Just knowledge. Learn as much as you can every day. THINK!!!!!
14. Some other interesting information about yourself?
I can bring a crowd to it's knees performing dick tricks. A few years ago it was called 'Puppetry of the Penis'. If you have never witnessed the bus conductor, the shot glass, the eiffel tower or the wrist watch, then come and find me at the twenty year reunion and I'll give you a vision you'll never erase from your mind, no matter how much you lie awake at night steeped in regret and preying.
15. What would your last meal consist of?
Something that takes years and years and years to prepare so that I can be around a long long time. Or at the very least, a massive banquet with everyone I've ever known and loved, alive or dead gathered around with all my favourite bands playing their best stuff. Get that sorted please. Do you need a deposit for the booze?
Hi Ben, just a Quick message to say I'm glad you have stayed the same Ben that we all loved and were entertained by in year twelve xo