1. Where are you living now?
Ringwood East
2. Who do you still keep in touch with from our year?
Anyone that'll still talk to me... James Wintle, Julia Speirs, Peter Leary, Owen Williams, Pete Michalksi, Nick Lean and a variety of others around the traps.
3. Where do you see yourself in another 15 years time?
Married (tick), house (working on it), kids (uhhhh, working... on ... it...?), and established in my teaching career (also working on it).
4. What's your best/worst memory of Year 12?
Best and worst memory can be tied into one short tale...
The best part of this memory was accepting my cross country running award - for 1st place in the Year 12 participants - at one of our final school assemblies. The bad part...? Knowing that I actually technically came in fourth place overall, but two of the people in front of me were from Year 11, so the second of those two Year 11's actually went home without any silverware whatsoever whilst I basked in the limelight and adulation and ensuing immortality... And this poor Year 11 student had beaten me fair and square... I still have the nightmares...
5. What have you still not learnt to do since Year 12?
Take life seriously.
6. Did you attend the 10 year reunion in 2005, and if so what did you think?
Sure did. The boys (Nick, James, Andrew McM, Owen, Peter) arrived a little later on and missed most of the teaching folk. It was really good to see some old yet friendly faces and also to resolve some ugly relationship breakups from yesteryear.
7. Are you interested in a 20 year reunion in 2015?
Yes. But only on the assumption that I don't commit any incredibly humiliating acts in the interim that result in me making the Top 10 YouTube idiot videos of all time.

8. What has changed about you in the last 15 years?
Contrary to my earlier response, I have actually matured somewhat since the old ESC days. Oh that, and also my "undercut ponytail" haircut is a distant memory...
9. What has been the best/worst thing you've done/had happen to you?
The best thing that has happened to me is that with the many challenges in life, I have somehow landed on my feet and have a beautiful wife, excellent friends, and the beginnings of what I hope will be a rewarding career ahead of me.
10. What big plans do you have for 2010?
Consolidate my teaching career and potentially enter this insane housing market...
11. If you could do it all again, what would you change about the last 15 years?
This is one of those questions that is kind of redundant in so many ways, as the journey leads you to where you are today, and hence any hypothetical alteration would change everything. But perhaps entering the housing/land market (before I knew what the heck I was doing with my future) would have been an astute decision...?
12. What has been your biggest achievement so far?
Battling my way through my undergraduate degree whilst working essentially full time, and then later successfully revisiting my aspirations for the teaching profession.
13. What is your personal philosophy?
Whilst I’m not religious, I like the concept of “karma”, and even the notion of “do unto others as you would have others do unto you” has resonance. Don’t think that you are better than anyone else. You have no idea what challenges they may have faced or may be facing in their life.

14. Some other interesting information about yourself?
I started learning guitar in Year 12, and at 21 I joined my first band. Whilst I can’t use the words “ARIA” and “Grammy”, or the phrase “world domination”, I did later tour interstate with one of these musical incarnations. I have a 5-track pressed EP with artwork to show for it and we were even on sale in JB HIFI for a while there!
15. What would your last meal consist of?
Probably lemon-grass and chilli octopus with rice, followed by an assortment of fresh fruits (NB. definitely watermelon) and ice-cream, rounded out with some dark chocolate goodness.
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