1. Where are you living now?
I live in Canberra with my husband and two boys but will be moving to New Caledonia in a few months for the next three years.
2. Who do you still keep in touch with from our year?
Julia Speirs, Kathy Cattanach, Sarah Thomas
3. Where do you see yourself in another 15 years time?
Traveling, working, happy.
4. What's your best/worst memory of Year 12?
Well, I didn’t finish with you guys at ESC but I guess the hardest thing was all the study.
5. What have you still not learnt to do since Year 12?
Set myself realistic goals!
6. Did you attend the 10 year reunion in 2005, and if so what did you think?
No. We were moving to China a few weeks later but otherwise I would have been there!
7. Are you interested in a 20 year reunion in 2015?
Yes! I would definitely make a trip to Victoria for a 20 year reunion.

8. What has changed about you in the last 15 years?
I’m older and more conservative.
9. What has been the best/worst thing you've done/had happen to you?
What kind of question is this???
10. What big plans do you have for 2010?
Our third baby is due! It is a big year for us. My eldest son has started preschool, I am learning French and doing a few sewing courses, we are preparing to move to another country and of course we
are having another baby.
11. If you could do it all again, what would you change about the last 15 years?
Not much really. I am really happy, I have married an amazing man, I have great kids, I’ve studied some really interesting thing and traveled to lots of amazing places. I guess if I could do it all again I would try and save some more money while I was single and working.
12. What has been your biggest achievement so far?
Can I say “my kids” or is that too much of a clique?
13. What is your personal philosophy?
Be happy. I almost stuck a note to our front door that said, “I choose happiness over cleanliness” ;)
14. Some other interesting information about yourself?
In the last 15 years I have learnt Indonesian and Mandarin and am currently learning French. My two boys were born in Beijing, China.
I’ve spent time living in Indonesia and China.
Since finishing school I’ve worked in international relations and am currently retraining to become a Primary School teacher.
15. What would your last meal consist of?
This is the hardest question! It would have to be the stewed rhubarb I made this week from my friend’s garden, our Chinese Ayi’s dumplings, martabak manis (Indonesian desert), something very rich and
chocolatey. Not really a main meal in there is there….

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